Jul 30, 2009

ade ape dengan topeng~

ade ape dengan topeng??..
ari2 kite pakai topeng..
ak pki kekadang je..lalala~
ade yg pakai satu je topeng..
ade yg pakai byk topeng..
hah!ko plak pki bape?
setiap dari mereka pasti ade sebab2 tertentu untuk
menggunakan topeng tu..
yelaa..name pom topeng..apedaa~
ade yg pakai topeng ceria ketika berhadapn dgn org yg paling die benci..
takkan nk wat muke bengis kot..kantoi arr~
ade yg pki topeng sedih ketika mengunjungi pengebumian org..
walhal dlm hati, terbahak2 mereka gelak..
suka seseorg tu mati..
eh, ade kew..yg tu ko kot~
ladies pom de je pki2 topeng ni sume..
especially time wat facial treatment..
lelaki pom de ape..2 x 5 je mereke2 ni..
ade yg pki topeng manis bile boyfren bawak jumpe dgn keluarganye..
biase laa, bakal mentua..kene jage hati..
perlu kot..lebey2 lg yg de harta..diorg pom daa tue..
xkew membazir harte tu sume nti klu diorg daa xde..ak plak cedok ckit je..salah ke?

ade yg pki topeng time majlis tari-menari..
konon2 nye nk sorok identiti..nk biar partner menari suspen, tertanye2..
yela..nti klu dorg salah step ke terlucut kain ke hape ke.. xde la malu sgt..haish~
klu korg tgk cite2 drama..nti de part yg diorg jerit..
euuw~xminat kot drama2 ni..xde class~
setan ber'topeng'kn manusia!!..hah!ade yg terase!?..
ak x!!sape mkn cili die laa terase pedasnye..ermm..sape ade air!!
yg ni khas tok manusia2 yg suke wat keje2 dajal ni..
naudhuzibillah~gulp..gulp..sape ade air lagi??!
ade yg pakai topeng senyum..
walopom die ade byk masalah..
tu sebab die tanak rosakkan suasana..ok wat~

salah ke pakai topeng ni..
absolutely not!nape plak nk salah..kan3!

superheroes pom pakai topeng ape..
tau xpe~
macam2 colour..merah, biru, hijau..sume ade..
pink!pink! ak nk pink!!
sebab mereka nk sorokkan identiti mereka..
takut kehidupan seharian musnah klu terbongkar..
holloh33! org jahat pom ape kurangnye..
iye2, org jahat pom ape kurangnye..
mereka pom pakai topeng sebab takot kantoi..
wat mende xelok..malu dgn membe2..
takut kene penjare..
eh, ak pom kene de gak topeng ni..mane ko bli??
dlm teater pom kene pakai topeng..
pakai topeng yg membawa watak masing2..
monolog lagi laa..
4-5 topeng kene pakai sekaligus..
iye2 jee..ntah btol ntah x..hurmm~
mahal plak tu topeng tu..=P
skang ni, daa ramai daa org pakai topeng..
sebab takut kene bala..
bala??bala krishnan??
bala H1N1 laa..
topeng ni free kan..fuh~lega aku..
so peniage2 kt luar sane..
amik kesempatan ni..decorate mask tu chantek2..
pastikan chantek klu nk berniage..klu x bek tutop je kedai tu~
coz y i want 2 wear the plain white mask
while i can get the colourful one..

persoalannye di sini..
ade soklan laa pulokkss~
bagaimanaa nk menghadapi esok hari?
malas laa nk pikir..esok lmbt lagi~
pabila berjumpe org2 ber'topeng' ni?
perlu ke kite elak dari jumpe mereka?
or perlu kite gune topeng kite mase jumpe mereka?
or bg diorg pilih tok jumpe kite ngan topeng mane?
nice gak!
or perlu kite cabut topeng mereka?
camne plak klu diorg cabut topeng kite dulu~
mane laa tau setan ke jin ke? kui3
camne plak klu kite yg setan, jin~
xpenat ke korg pki 'topeng'2 ni sume..
ok! xpenat ke kite pki 'topeng'2 ni sume..
ak x! korg? hehe.. =P
ak pom x!muahaha!

p/s:besok nk pakai topeng ape yek?

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

sipot yg superb~

tahukah anda..
siput babi lambat berjalan kerana konfius..
either dia tu siput ke..or die tu babi..

actually i was amazed by these 2 stories..
hope u guys njoy it..

"when someone tells u dat u can't do sumthing.."

"then go 4 it.."

"use all the things Allah gave u.."

"be creative.."

"in the end u will succeed n prove them wrong.."

"always remember..when there is a WILL, there is a WAY.."

sweet is it..
tidak hina kita sebagai khalifah..
dengan mengambil pengajaran daripada ‘guru’ yang kecil..
dan tidak menjadi mulia kita..
dengan mendabik dada walau kita telah diangkat darjatnya…

Oleh itu, bukankah ada baiknya mereka mengembara di muka bumi supaya – dengan melihat kesan-kesan yang tersebut – mereka menjadi orang-orang yang ada hati yang dengannya mereka dapat memahami, atau ada telinga yang dengannya mereka dapat mendengar? (Tetapi kalaulah mereka mengembara pun tidak juga sebenarnya bukanlah mata kepala yang buta, tetapi yang buta itu ialah mata hati yang ada di dalam dada. [Al-Hajj:46]

now, da 2nd one goes on lik dis~

kisah Siput n Lalat~

suatu hari, langit begitu indah & cerah..
di bawah pohon CERI, kelihatan seekor Siput kecil merayap ke atas perlahan..
sementara itu, beberapa saat kemudian, muncul seekor Lalat yang terbang ke sana ke mari dengan ceria sambil memperhatikan si Siput..
melihat si Siput merayap perlahan,sang Lalat berkata..
"hai, Siput, kamu hendak kemana?"
dengan tenang, sambil terus merayap, si Siput kecil menjawab..
"mau makan buah CERI"

"ha ha ha, Siput bodoh.. mana ada buah CERI? aku dari atas sana..
..buah CERInya tidak ada"
Lalat mentertawakan perilaku si Siput kecil..
kata si Siput kecil..
"aku tidak peduli, saat aku tiba di atas, pohon CERInya pasti sudah berbuah"

erm..sgt berpandgn jauhkn siput ni..
sumtimes, we blur in seeing the path we're taking..
but, those who r succeed in their life r the one who can see through time,
look forward, stand still n run towards their dreams..
others may not see it, even they sure laughed till their bladder burst..lol..
coz they never get it..
these people will try hard to make u down n break ur heart..
but at the moment u reach ur dream, the moment u open ur palm..
n grab the CERI dat u want along dis time..
they'll know dat ur dream is not just a dream..u noe wat i mean rite..hehe..
4 dat, dont let others stole or crushed ur dream b4 it could exist..

me n my words..
feel anoyyed..
do puke..

p/S: grammar cam siot jee..uhuu~
faz, ak daa mule rase cam care ak tulis blog skang ni..
seolah2 cam ak daa ade readers..
uhuu~i wonder if i am one of them..
blame me..lol!
at least ak x start ngan..
"sory peminat2 sume sebab daa lame x update blog..bla33.."
u noe wat i mean rite..

currently listening to-"resah" by nitrus

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

Jul 29, 2009

how strong r u??

just another not so good day just pass away..mane tak nye..the whole day i was figting with da little devil..(my sis lol)..rase nk blasah je die..eeiii! geramnye..so childish rite..daa besar gajah daa pom nk gado2 lagi..mind ur own business plis..ahhaha..the main point of the fight is to get owned of the remote control..tv shows lol..dulu ade 2 kot tv..satu kasi nenek..huhu..xpe2..pasni kite tgk tv kt umah nenek plak jom! hehe..

arini bermula dgn tenang skali. until 2 pm..wouh~die daa balik skolah sudah..hah! kat ctulah mulenye the cat n dog fight neyh~aa..ak cop kucing!die laa anjing~ak cop dulu! ahhaha..
pergadohan tu hanye gado mulot semate2..walopom segeram mane ak nk punch her face, kick her stomach, pull her hair..famili rule! dont u ever dare to lay ur finger on the younger..tu pom klu tanak tgk singa betina mengamok laa..that one refer to my mom lor..hik3..

definitely she's win..pergh!! tensen2 dow..naseb bek ak pose arini..ececeh..daa abes maki2, sumpah seranah, kutuk2 sume br nak stop..daa kurus daa pahale pose ko tu weyh!moving to the lappy..my bestfren eva..i surf the internet n went to the sis zabrina's blog which is www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com..scroll2..jeling sane..jeling sini..

suddenly i was captured by a post titled pounce or pause?

just to kill some time, i went through the stories..bla3..n then i was stiffed..
ding! no need to ding me kang-ja..enuf with the couple or trouble..hehe..i do luv the stories..
hmm..korean~wat can i say! =P
i was stiffed when i came to this Prophet’s (may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) words,

‘The strong man is not the one who can wrestle (fight); the strong man is the one who controls himself at the time of anger’ (Saheeh Bukhari)

ouch~it really hits me on my nose..the post was also about how the Prophet (may peace be upon him) talk calmly instead of getting mad to a person who just urinated in the mosque!urinated people!urinated!! do check dis out..it makes me think..

do i need to sit-up everyday to get the 6 packs in order to be strong..
do i need to win the best actor award in a play in order to be strong..=P
do i need to intern at the klcc in order to be strong..
do i need to take all action to avoid H1N1 in order to be strong..(absolutely yes!cuak kot H1N1..)
do i need to stay up all nite with B1N1 in order to be strong..
do i need to stay up with 4 B1N1 in one nite just to show dat im strong..=P

just think..hik3..

p/s:2 thumbs tok laura coz jwb ngan btol..
soklan:ape hikmah berpuase..
A:tok tahan dr minum..(negative)
B:tok tahan dr mkn n minum..(negative)
Laura:tok tahan dr hawa nafsu..(positive)..yeaa~
(nti ak banje ko mkn ehh..huhu..)

currently reading-life is an open secret "you, me and we"
currently listening to-"you say aku"

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

Jul 26, 2009

aku jiwa kosong~

i wake up dis morning..
aargh~my head hurts..
i look surrounds..
yikes~ i slept on the couch last nite..
i wonder y my head feels so heavy..
then, i sit n ..smile
i saw them last nite..hik3..
(in ma dreams i mean..hehe..)
they playin', jokin'..
some mad at me..
4 not telling..
then, i heard birds chirping..
where's everyone..
mom's working..
sis's back to her home alredi..
lil sis's at school..
im alone..hate dis feeling..
i remember, last nite..
when i was first at home..
i put my things around n sat on the couch..
slept i guess~lol..
not having too much conversation wit mom..
coz i know it'll end up wit hurting each other feelings..
she like to overreact n 1 or 2 bad words..
must be slipped from her mouth..
when i told her things..
i always think it as a curse..
fool me, have u wonder why they put 'over' in that word..

wat a nice n warm mornin'..
i go to the front house..
n open the door..
i saw the cat n..the kitten!
wat! is it they were quarelling along the time..

stop quarrel~
enuf wit mat baha anep..

the cat's milking the kitten..
is it wonderful..
the wonderful part is both of them not from the same blood..
the cat was not the kitten's 'mom'..
the first they were meet..
both of them fighting..
4 sure, im 'shush'ing the cat..
not the kitten..its too cute 2 b shush..
now, they liking each other fur..
so sweet~
but! they do fight if im feeding them in a plate..
devil me~ahahaha..

i look surroundings..
still i cant see people..
ak jiwa kosong..
i go into the house..
i open the door..
n i see..
4-kul surah framing n hanging on the wall..
i miss my subuh prayer..
i forget about Him..
im in Syaaban alredi..
Ramadhan coming so soon..
wat i wanna do is..
to put Him in my head as the first and the last thing of the day..
(meaning as i woke up and b4 i sleep..i do wanna remember Him..)

p/s:plis ignore the grammar..
faz~do correct me..

currently reading-life is an open secret "you, me and we"
currently listening to-"fearless"

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

Jul 23, 2009


post kali membawa satu msg..
msg yg ak tatau nk ckp pki mulut..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak ghase cam daa byk hint ak kasik..
kowg pandai2 la pk sendiri..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak serba salah..
nak shout it or not..
sakit jugak hati ak simpan mende ni lame2..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
rumate asik suroh..
cepat2 ar register blik..
ak tanak rumate ngan ko lg ar..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak xp meeting td pom..
sebab ak takut i cant let u all go..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
asal ko dtg cni awal..
ble ko nak blik umah..
ble ko nk dtg cni balik..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
agak2 klu simpan..
ak dok diam..
kene maki x..
kene carut x..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
kowg asek tanye kete ko ke ni..
asal tibe2 bwk kete ni..
kete baru siot..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..

perlu wat official statement kaa..
penting sgt kah ak..
ade hak kah ak tok kaco kowg yg bz..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ade yg tanye, btol ke ko wat camni..
nape ko wat camni..
ko xmenyesal..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak rase ak nye jln btol..
sebab2 die xperlu diungkapkn..
sebab perit nk xplain satu2..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak rase ak daa igt mende yg ak lupe selame ni..
ak daa jumpe mende yg ak carik..
n ak nk stay pd mende tu..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
b4 dis, ak xde strength nk wat mende ni..
ak delay2..
bertuah dpt jumpe kowg..
tanx 2 kowg..
i get da strength..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ade yg ckp idop cam roda..
sekejap kt ats..
kejap kt bawah..
ak akn berpegang pd 2..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ade yg ckp niat ni kene btol, ikhlas..
walopom niat ni kekadang menyimpg sedikit..
ak akn cube memperthnkannye..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
bukan senang nk wat decision ni..
lot of things wondering in ma head..
wat if i did dis..
wat if i did dat..
wat if he still alives..
wat if~

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
ak sayang kowg..
n ak berat nk wat mende ni..
tp ak juga punya impian..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..
mungkin de yg phm..
mungkin tidak..
mungkin de yg pura2 memahami..
mungkin de yg wat2 xphm..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..

yg pasti setiap pertemuan..
ade perpisahan..
n ak yakin tiap2 drp itu ade sebab2 tersendiri..

ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..

yg ak..
im leaving~~

p/s: sorry coz tak kasik tau directly..
coz ak tatau nk gtau kowg camne..

yg mane rase nk belasah ak tuh..
sile2 laa dtg seblom terlmbt..


as long as da sun shine on me..
i noe u guys r looking at me

as long as da air breez gently through me..
i noe ur guys open ur arm n hug me..

as long as i can see da star at night..
i noe u guys r shouting..
go! go!

ak n duniaku..
im a lone ranger..
but at the end, i still with them..
each of them bring different stories in ma life..
n guys, i do appreciate it..

i luv ma fwens so much..
dis is me n ma life..
dis is da way im living..
n way i keep surviving..

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

Jul 22, 2009



children playing outside the car can
cause accident..


adults playing inside the car
can cause
by accident..

beshnye klu kawan aku cam spender kucing ni..

kawan macam spender..
ble kite dh gune smpi masam..
pas2 buang..

kawan p0m macam spender..
kejap ade, kejap xde..
sbb kene curik dek owg!

kawan pom macam spender..
sbb kite slalu kene jage + cuci..
kalau x de spender, sosah arr kite..

a story dat can be read by angel..







sorry, onli angel can read this
not DEVIL!!

teman tu bukan macam papan skate..
blm men gilap..
daa main pijak..

teman tu bukan cam bola sepak..
belum dpt kejar..
daa dpt tendang..

teman tu bukan cam bulu tangkis..
belum men pegang..
daa men pukul..

teman tu ibarat ragbi..
belum dpt rebut..
daa dpt lindung..

teman tu cam jari..
lukenye sembuh sendiri..
hilangnye tiade ganti..

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

i've got to let it go~

The Show lyrics

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause its to much, yeah its a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool, out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spot light
The people follow the signs
And synchronize in time

It's a joke, nobody knows
they've got a ticket to the

Yeah, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show
da dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show
I want my money back (3x)
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back(x3)
Just enjoy the show

i definitely learn to let go..
let everything go..
hehe..hard is it?
as hard as a rock..
wat abot now..
im gonna enjoy da show..
while watchin' the time..
afraid its gonna ended..
till it came..
puff..in a blink of an eye..
scared but do survive k!

p/s: i do wanna feel da light when im blackin' out..
follow spot me just once..
n its enuf..
just enuf..



si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)

Jul 21, 2009

acc in dent0~

kowg sume tau x ak accident..
haah..ak accident dow..
haah..kt hospital la ni..
hospital mental..
xde arr..ak kt blik ar ni..
n membe2 sebilik ni seko2 perangai cam org gle..
seyes..huhu..camni citenye..
tanggal baju n seluar mu..eh3..
tanggal baju je..eh3..
tanggal 17 julai 2oo9..
ak telah pom mengalami kecelakaan..
(ish..asl asek typo nih..)
bertempat di btol2 sebelum rnr alor pongsu..
kisahnye begini~
(pegang popcorn sume owg~hehe..)
pd mlm sebelumnye..kitowg tgk cite hary pottter..
n the half blood prince wokeh!
first release tuh, bapak best..
err..bukan bapak ak yg best ye~hehe..
septum seilvet, ada kadabra, xperto petrona!!
solat isyak!!oops..yargh!!
movie tu kol 9.55..pas abes solat isyak jap..
pas2 br blik utp..
daa balik utp, membe call sroh amik kat gopeng..
mak aii..gopeng daa ar berbatu-batu..
jauh kot..daa la ngantok!
di atas sebb tertentu, ak memang tunggu2 saat camni..
ak teringin nk wat sumthing tok diorg..
sebab kite kan kawan..
(sile muntah skang..hehe..)
so, pegi la amik kan..
kate kawan..bole kite kwn sampai bile2~
hehe..iklan milo sat ehh..
daa amik, gerak blik utp..
tup tap2 daa kol 4.3oam..
subuh kol 5.47am..da nak dekat..
so, ak bertahan la..sebab klu tido..kompem xbgn..
lepas berjemaah kt masjid, ak amik angin sat kt tasek..
jumaat pg tu, ade keje plak nk kene wat..
doubling matrix card lg..oops..
sampai 12.3o..balik siap2 tok p solat jumaat..
fyi, tu laa antara solat jumaat yg paling ak tunggu tok tahun ni..
sebab pe..tu ghahsia..nak tau..meh tanye sendiri wokeh!
time khutbah tu gak la, ak tersengguk2..
melepas sgt rasenye..da lame tunggu kot the exact time tu..
after solat jumaat, packing2 tok balik umah..
ilek2 sudey, ngantok ckit je kot..kate hati kecil ak..
daa tau kecil, manyak ckp plak~xsedar diri..huhu..
ak ngan gahnye..melangkah kuar dr utp..
drive2, ak pasan de setan sekor 2 ngah men buaian kt bulu mata ak nih..
ak pe lg, ilek ar bai..2 ekor baru..
ilek punye ilek..daa beratus ekor daa ngah bergayut, men galah panjang,
men buai, men tali getah..
ak pom tutup la mate..tetibe!
kebabo0m!! asataghphirullah~
time tu ak ngah drive laju je kat lane kiri..
n ak terlanggar divider..hancur sudah side mirror..
kete p0m kemek2..pale pom fening2..
jantung berdegup kencang..adekah ak daa jatuh cinta??
kepale hotak ko! ko accident la ngok~
demmit..ak tgk cermin belakang..teliti..
4 buah kete n sebuah lori beratur kt blakang..
seolah2 mereka ni tgh tunggu mase ak langgar divider tu je..
wtf! klu daa nmpk ak huyung hayang tu hon la ckit..
huhu..tensen dow..
ak tros ke bahu jln..tarik hembus nafas..
ak kuar kete..tergamam, xterkate, lidah kelu melu..
ak mimpi kot!
tibe2 dtg la si dia ni..
kurus ramping je, bontot pom tinggi je..baju kaler oren kemerahan..
adei! die gigit ak..
celaka punye kerengga..ak berdiri kt ats srg die upenye..
hah! ape lg..lompat bintang ar ak kt ctu..
uhu~ak accident dow..
cdey2..xde owg pom dtg tolong..
sayu je rase..tp ak bersyukur sebab maseh lg hidup..
camne klu kt lane kanan tu de kenderaan..
boleh bertembung kot..
camne klu divider tu rendah..
boleh terbalik kot kete tu..
sume mende tu bermen2 kt minda yg ngah mamai ni..
syukur alhamdullilah~
(erk..tibe2 teringt mak cik bio aura iklan hai-o plak..huhu)

..end of part 1

si blogger yg noob ---> dats me (^_^)


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